Do you have any tree issues on your property? Perhaps the tree is blocking a roadway, you have a large project in mind for your home, or you simply need to clean up the area. County Tree and Shrub is here to assist you for whatever cause!
When it comes to constructing a project or a house on a greenfield site, the vegetation and trees present might make the process challenging.
It is frequently required to down trees in order to build a house since the project necessitates it. It is also possible that over time, tree roots will impact the structure by rising the earth, breaking pipelines, or ruining cisterns.
What should you do with a tree stump once it has been felled? There are many reasons to eliminate this area of the tree. For example, if the stump begins to grow back, if it is home to germs and bacteria that can be introduced into your home, or if it just detracts from the attractiveness of your property, it might cause difficulties in the future.
With the assistance of County Tree and Shrub, you can complete this removal swiftly.
Call us right now to learn how we can assist you with tree and stump removal.
Call (610) 494-4545
now – we can help with any job big or small.